Learning simple and short Japanese phrases can help your interactions with native Japanese speakers. In this article, I'll explore essential phrases that are practical for everyday use, covering greetings, , expressing gratitude and engaging in basic conversations.
Greetings and Common Expressions
はじめまして。よろしく おねがい します。
hajime mashite yoroshiku onegai shimasu.
Nice to meet you. I look forward to work with you.
よろしく おねがい します。
yoroshiku onegai shimasu.
Please take care of this.
Long time to see.
おつかれさま です。
ostukaresama desu.
Thank you for your hard work.
I'm going. ( and return later)
Please go safely and return.
Welcome home.
おせわに なって います。
osewa ni natte imasu..
I'm receiving your care. Thank you.
*to colleagues, superiors, or clients.
大丈夫 です。
daijyoubu desu.
I'm okay. / I'm fine.
どちら が 好き ですか?
dachira ga suki desuka?
Which one do you like?
気にしない で ください。
kinishinai de kudasai.
Don't worry about it.
まっすぐ 行って ください。
maasugu itte kudasai.
Please go straight.
おすすめ は 何 ですか?
osusume wa nan desuka?
What is your recommendation?
明日 会えますか?
ashita aemasuka?
Can we meet tomorrow?
一緒 に 行きましょう。
issho ni ikimashou.
Let's go together.